Keeping Your Beer Cold
There are several methods for keeping your beer cold. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages. The methods are:
- Main Fridge
- Beer Fridge
- Eski - Cooler
- Buy cold and drink quickly
Main Fridge
Keeping your beer in the main fridge is clearly the most useful. Your beer can be easily accessed right there in your kitchen which is usually only a few steps from the couch and the television.
The main issue from this method comes for people who have to share their fridge with others. If you live with some friends they will often help themselves to your beer. Repeated offences can become annoying and leave you without cold beer.
The above is trivial for those who have to share their fridge with a life partner. Being in a permanent relationship has many benefits for a man, however, drinking beer is not one of them. Most men have no problem maintaining a sparse and well ordered fridge. Many life partners will disrupt this natural harmonic balance by stuffing the shared fridge with useless dairy and vegetable matter. Your precisely positioned six pack of beer will be removed from the fridge and replaced by a six pack of bionic yoghurt. While the contents of the main fridge peacefully compost you will find your beer left out in the warm.
This method of keeping your beer cold is perfect for single people who have good control over the contents of there main fridge.
Beer Fridge
Having a fridge dedicated to beer is one option many people with life partners choose. This works best if you have your own separate space such as a shed or den where you can setup a bar, television and pool table.
The biggest threat to your idyllic relationship with your beer fridge and 24 x 7 sports feed comes during Christmas and birthday parties. Faced with trying stuff more food into an already packed main fridge, your life partner may threaten the sovereignty of your beer fridge.
They will try to put food and leftovers into your beer fridge on a temporary basis until the refrigerated space emergency is over. You must hold firm in defence of your beer fridge or the beer fridge will soon become known as the second fridge or drinks fridge. Sports lovers with foresight may elect to have the sanctity of the beer fridge explicitly detailed in a pre-nuptial agreement.
A beer fridge is an excellent choice for people with a life partner, their own separate space and a strong will.
Eski - Cooler
The eski, or cooler, (pictured) is the solution that many sports lovers choose. The benefits are that it is cheap, portable and you can sit on them. Ice is readily available from most bottle shops. Of course, your beer will only remain cold as long as the ice has not melted, up to 24 hours.
The eski is a good choice if you are an occasional drinker or like to take your beer to your friends place to watch sport. Unfortunately most major sporting events will not let you bring your eski in with you are you are expected to purchase your beer from the vendors inside the stadium.
Buy cold and drink quickly
This solution is only of use in licensed premises where you can buy your cold beer in a glass and watch sport on the television provided. Eventually your glass of beer will warm up but you can just buy another.
You will need to think ahead about your transport to and from the premises as you will be unable to drive. You will also need to know what sport will be showing on the communal television, or, you can just take pot luck. Beer serviced on licensed premises can be expensive.
This is a good solution for you and your friends if life partners make things uncomfortable for you. Due to the expense and transport difficulties this option should be used sparingly.